When I analyze a case, I always think that i want to see filename times.
So I modified mft.pm in log2timeline lib.
This is MFT.pm including filename times.
If you use log2timeline, It will support you when you analyze malware that times were changed.
Link : https://dorumugs-tools.googlecode.com/files/mft.pm
Archaeological Dig for Digital Forensics
Just analyzing Digital Forensics - Every File System Tracking - Issue Tracking about Computer - Malware Evidence Acquisition
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Monday, April 15, 2013
Carving - PCAP in Memory (NAFT)
I searched a tool to carve pcap in memory.
This tool is NAFT(The Network Appliance Forensic Toolkit). Download link is below.
Link : http://blog.didierstevens.com/programs/network-appliance-forensic-toolkit/
I introduce the way to carve pcap in memory.
(1) PCAP Structure
(2) Global Header & Packet Header
Just a trick. Time is made from file offset.
Example : Offset 7398799
7 is timestamp seconds.
398799 is timestamp microseconds.
(3) Searching ARP
Searching magic like "0x08 0x06 0x00 0x01 0x08 0x00 0x06 0x04"
(The offset of magic) - 12 == The Start of APR
(The offset of magic) + 30 == The end of APR
The total length of ARP == 42(0x2A)
From : The start of ARP to end of the ARP
ARP Offset : (The offset of baseAddress) + (The offset of magic) - 2*6
ARP DATA Offset : (The offset of magic) - 2*6 ~ (The offset of magic) + 30
(4) Searching IP
Search for bytes between 0x45 and 0x4F(depending flag options)
And than check if they are the start of a IPv4 header by calculating.
The value after calculating is compared with the checksum.
potentialIPHeader : 69 ~ 69 + 4 * (69-64) => 69 ~ 89
If checksum is verified, Calculate Packet length.
This tool is NAFT(The Network Appliance Forensic Toolkit). Download link is below.
Link : http://blog.didierstevens.com/programs/network-appliance-forensic-toolkit/
I introduce the way to carve pcap in memory.
(1) PCAP Structure
(2) Global Header & Packet Header
Type | Description | Value |
DWORD | MagicNumber | 0xD4C3B2A1 |
WORD | Major Version Number | 0x0200 |
WORD | Minor Version Number | 0x0400 |
DWORD | GMT to Local Correction | 0x00000000 |
DWORD | Accuracy of Timestamps | 0x00000000 |
DWORD | Max Length of Captured Packets | 0xFFFF0000 |
DWORD | Data Link Type | 0x01000000 |
Type | Description | Value |
DWORD | MagicNumber | 1355707892 == 50CE75F4 == 0xF475CE50 |
DWORD | Major Version Number | 616446 == 967FE == 0xFE670900 |
DWORD | Minor Version Number | capture Length 92 => 0x5C |
DWORD | GMT to Local Correction | Frame Length 92 => 0x5C |
Just a trick. Time is made from file offset.
Example : Offset 7398799
7 is timestamp seconds.
398799 is timestamp microseconds.
(3) Searching ARP
Searching magic like "0x08 0x06 0x00 0x01 0x08 0x00 0x06 0x04"
(The offset of magic) - 12 == The Start of APR
(The offset of magic) + 30 == The end of APR
The total length of ARP == 42(0x2A)
From : The start of ARP to end of the ARP
ARP Offset : (The offset of baseAddress) + (The offset of magic) - 2*6
ARP DATA Offset : (The offset of magic) - 2*6 ~ (The offset of magic) + 30
(4) Searching IP
Search for bytes between 0x45 and 0x4F(depending flag options)
And than check if they are the start of a IPv4 header by calculating.
The value after calculating is compared with the checksum.
potentialIPHeader : 69 ~ 69 + 4 * (69-64) => 69 ~ 89
If checksum is verified, Calculate Packet length.
baseAddress : 0
offset(==index) : 77008910
potential IP Header : 4500004e0a85000080119bc8c0a88901c0a889ff
potentialIPHeader[2] : 00
potentialIPHeader[3] : 4e
ord(potentialIPHeader[2]) * 0x100 + ord(potentialIPHeader[3])
0 * 0x100 + 78
packetLength : 78
Second : 0x4d
Microecond : 0x22ce
Packet saved in file : 0x5c
Actual length of packet : 0x5c
(77008896, '\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\x00PV\xc0\x00\x08\x08\x00E\x00\x00N\n\x85\x00\x00\x80\x11\x9b\xc8\xc0\xa8\x89\x01\xc0\xa8\x89\xff\x00\x89\x00\x89\x00:5\x81\xed!\x01\x10\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00 EJFDEBFEEBFACACACACACACACACACAAA\x00\x00 \x00\x01')
Formula :
oFrames.AddFrame(baseAddress + index - 2*6 - 2, data[index - 2*6 - 2:index + packetLength], duplicates)
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Carveing - PE files
If examiners couldn't search anything, he/she starts process to carve something like PE, registry, event log, jpeg and etc....
PE consist of PE Header and PE Body.
PE Header is comprised of DOS Header + DOS Stub + NT Header(File Header + Optional Header) + Section Headers.
PE Body is sections.
We must know PE structure for carving it. But i don't introduce it. Because its structure is introduced through web a lot.
- PE Carving -
Before Caving PE, examiner must know cluster/block size.
(1) Searching for PE Magic Value at the first offset of every cluster.
PE magic value is 0x45 0x5A. its Ascii is MZ.
(2) If You find PE magic value at The first offset of a cluster, search for the magic value of NT header in the cluster. this is 0x50 0x45 0x00 0x00 and this value's ascii is PE.
(3) The size of NT Header is 0xF8.
(4) File header in NT header has the number of section. Number of sections must bigger than Zero.
(5) The magic of optional header in NT header is 0x0B 0x01, if this PE runs on 32bit. when it runs on 64bit, this value is 0x0B 0x02.
(6) The size of PE Header is found at offset 0x3C from the start of optional header.
(7) Section Headers have file alignment and section alignment. file alignment has the start offset of each section on file. section alignment has the start offset of each section on memory.
(8) The size of each section table is 0x28.
(9) Pointer to raw data in section table expresses the start offset of its section.
(10) Size of raw data in section table expresses The size of its section.
I made a tool. Click below link
this page is project for carving something.
The first, i start PE carving.
Let's Start!
PE consist of PE Header and PE Body.
PE Header is comprised of DOS Header + DOS Stub + NT Header(File Header + Optional Header) + Section Headers.
PE Body is sections.
We must know PE structure for carving it. But i don't introduce it. Because its structure is introduced through web a lot.
- PE Carving -
Before Caving PE, examiner must know cluster/block size.
(1) Searching for PE Magic Value at the first offset of every cluster.
PE magic value is 0x45 0x5A. its Ascii is MZ.
(2) If You find PE magic value at The first offset of a cluster, search for the magic value of NT header in the cluster. this is 0x50 0x45 0x00 0x00 and this value's ascii is PE.
(3) The size of NT Header is 0xF8.
(4) File header in NT header has the number of section. Number of sections must bigger than Zero.
(5) The magic of optional header in NT header is 0x0B 0x01, if this PE runs on 32bit. when it runs on 64bit, this value is 0x0B 0x02.
(6) The size of PE Header is found at offset 0x3C from the start of optional header.
(7) Section Headers have file alignment and section alignment. file alignment has the start offset of each section on file. section alignment has the start offset of each section on memory.
(8) The size of each section table is 0x28.
(9) Pointer to raw data in section table expresses the start offset of its section.
(10) Size of raw data in section table expresses The size of its section.
I made a tool. Click below link
Monday, March 11, 2013
EnScript - ExportClass
I can search for something through
File Name,
Full Path
and then export CSV or something
##################################### CODE #####################################
#################################### CONSOLE ####################################
Exported report created at C:\Exported_Report.CSV
Start Time : 03/11/13 09:54:00오전
End Time : 03/11/13 09:55:07오전
###################################### Result #####################################
File Name,
Full Path
and then export CSV or something
##################################### CODE #####################################
class ExportDialogClass: DialogClass {
PathEditClass SaveHere; ExportDialogClass(DialogClass parent, String &savePath) : DialogClass(parent, "ExportClass Example"), SaveHere (this, "Location To save the CSV File", START, START, 200, DEFAULT, 0, savePath, PathEditClass::REQUIRED | PathEditClass::FILECREATE) { } } class MainClass { ExportClass Export; MainClass() : Export(null, "File Name,MD5 Hash,Created Time,Written Time,Accessed Time,Entry Modified Time,Full Path,", 0) { } void Main(CaseClass c) { DateClass date(); SystemClass::ClearConsole(); SearchClass search(); String savePath = "C:\\Exported_Report.CSV"; date.Now(); String Start = date.GetString(); ExportDialogClass dialog(null, savePath); if (dialog.Execute() == SystemClass::OK) { LocalFileClass exportedReport(); exportedReport.Open(savePath, FileClass::WRITE); Export.Open(exportedReport, ExportClass::TEXT); ItemIteratorClass it(c, 0, ItemIteratorClass::CURRENTVIEW_SELECTED); while( EntryClass entry = it.GetNextEntry()) { if (entry.Name() == "cmd.exe") { DateClass date(); DateClass C = entry.Created(); String created = C.Year() + "/" + C.Month() + "/" + C.Day() + " " + C.Hour() + ":" + C.Minute() + ":" + C.Second(); DateClass W = entry.Written(); String written = W.Year() + "/" + W.Month() + "/" + W.Day() + " " + W.Hour() + ":" + W.Minute() + ":" + W.Second(); DateClass A = entry.Accessed(); String accessed = A.Year() + "/" + A.Month() + "/" + A.Day() + " " + A.Hour() + ":" + A.Minute() + ":" + A.Second(); DateClass M = entry.Modified(); String modified = M.Year() + "/" + M.Month() + "/" + M.Day() + " " + M.Hour() + ":" + M.Minute() + ":" + M.Second(); HashClass hash = search.ComputeHash(entry); Export.Write(entry.Name() + "," + hash + "," + created + " ," + written + " ," + accessed + " ," + modified + " ," + entry.ItemPath() + ",\n"); } } Export.Close(); date.Now(); String Ended = date.GetString(); Console.WriteLine("Exported report created at " + savePath + "\n\n" + "Start Time : " + Start + "\n" + "End Time : " + Ended); } } } |
#################################### CONSOLE ####################################
Exported report created at C:\Exported_Report.CSV
Start Time : 03/11/13 09:54:00오전
End Time : 03/11/13 09:55:07오전
##################################### DIAL LOG ####################################
###################################### Result #####################################
exports CSV
Friday, February 22, 2013
File System Geography - EXT2
- Create a EXT2 file.
Prior to Test, I made a EXT2 file named EXT2.dd.
Procedures are as below.
(1) Create a File filled with zeros.
# dd if=/dev/zero of=EXT2.dd bs=1024000 count=10
10+0 records in
10+0 records out
10240000 bytes (10 MB) copied, 0.487653 s, 21.0 MB/s
(2) format EXT2.dd as EXT2 filesystem.
# mkfs -T ext2 EXT2.dd mke2fs 1.41.9 (22-Aug-2009)
EXT2.dd is not a block special device.
Proceed anyway? (y,n) y
Filesystem label=
OS type: Linux
Block size=4096 (log=2)
Fragment size=4096 (log=2)
640 inodes, 2500 blocks
125 blocks (5.00%) reserved for the super user
First data block=0
1 block group
32768 blocks per group, 32768 fragments per group
640 inodes per group
Writing inode tables: done
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done
(3) Identify EXT2.dd file.
# file EXT2.dd
EXT2.dd: Linux rev 1.0 ext2 filesystem data, UUID=8f4aeba5-aa03-4000-be18-3cb597a585f1 (large files)
(4) Mount EXT2 to Local and Copy forensics.jpg for test.
# mount -o loop EXT2.dd ./RAW/
# df
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda3 28755580 4839728 22455144 18% /
udev 513268 232 513036 1% /dev
none 513268 136 513132 1% /dev/shm
none 513268 344 512924 1% /var/run
none 513268 0 513268 0% /var/lock
none 513268 0 513268 0% /lib/init/rw
none 28755580 4839728 22455144 18% /var/lib/ureadahead/debugfs
/dev/sda1 233333 23889 197397 11% /boot
/dev/sdb1 206422036 191748 195744668 1% /cases
/dev/loop1 9824 24 9300 1% /test/EXT2/RAW
# cp ~/Desktop/forensics.jpg ./RAW/
# ls ./RAW/
forensics.jpg lost+found
# umount /dev/loop1
- EXT2 Layout

From First Block + 0x400 : Super Block
The Size of Inode : 128 bytes
Second Block : Group Descciptor
Blocks Bitmap Offset : 2 Block
Inodes Bitmap Offset : 3 Block
Inodes Table Offset : 4 Block
- Directory Entry
The structure of each entry is as follow.
Forensics.jpg's structure is as follow.
its inode number is 0x0C.
The formula of forensics.jpg's Inode
How : (First Inode Offset + file's Inode Number * Inode Entry Size) – Inode Entry Size
Real Data : (0x4000 + 0xC * 0x100) – 0x100 = 0x4B00
- The inode of forensics.jpg
forensics.jpg is placed from 32 block to 36 block.

I identified JPEG signature at Offset 0x32000.
- Idendify a JPEG(forensics.jpg)
For identification of forensics.jpg, I used dd tool.
if => input
of => output
bs => block size (=block is cluster in unix)
skip => skip as much as block size.
bash-3.2# dd if=EXT2.dd of=forensics.jpg bs=4096 count=5 skip=204800
5+0 records in
5+0 records out
20480 bytes transferred in 0.000217 secs (94394886 bytes/sec)
File : forensics.jpg
URL : http://pchs.peachschools.org/sites/pchs.peachschools.org/files/computer-forensics.jpeg
Prior to Test, I made a EXT2 file named EXT2.dd.
Procedures are as below.
(1) Create a File filled with zeros.
# dd if=/dev/zero of=EXT2.dd bs=1024000 count=10
10+0 records in
10+0 records out
10240000 bytes (10 MB) copied, 0.487653 s, 21.0 MB/s
(2) format EXT2.dd as EXT2 filesystem.
# mkfs -T ext2 EXT2.dd mke2fs 1.41.9 (22-Aug-2009)
EXT2.dd is not a block special device.
Proceed anyway? (y,n) y
Filesystem label=
OS type: Linux
Block size=4096 (log=2)
Fragment size=4096 (log=2)
640 inodes, 2500 blocks
125 blocks (5.00%) reserved for the super user
First data block=0
1 block group
32768 blocks per group, 32768 fragments per group
640 inodes per group
Writing inode tables: done
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done
(3) Identify EXT2.dd file.
# file EXT2.dd
EXT2.dd: Linux rev 1.0 ext2 filesystem data, UUID=8f4aeba5-aa03-4000-be18-3cb597a585f1 (large files)
(4) Mount EXT2 to Local and Copy forensics.jpg for test.
# mount -o loop EXT2.dd ./RAW/
# df
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda3 28755580 4839728 22455144 18% /
udev 513268 232 513036 1% /dev
none 513268 136 513132 1% /dev/shm
none 513268 344 512924 1% /var/run
none 513268 0 513268 0% /var/lock
none 513268 0 513268 0% /lib/init/rw
none 28755580 4839728 22455144 18% /var/lib/ureadahead/debugfs
/dev/sda1 233333 23889 197397 11% /boot
/dev/sdb1 206422036 191748 195744668 1% /cases
/dev/loop1 9824 24 9300 1% /test/EXT2/RAW
# cp ~/Desktop/forensics.jpg ./RAW/
# ls ./RAW/
forensics.jpg lost+found
# umount /dev/loop1
- EXT2 Layout

- 6 Contents of Group
Group has 6 contents as follows.
Super Block - Metadata of Group
Group Descriptor Table – Location information of Block Bitmap, Inode Bitmap, Inode Table
Block Bitmap – The information what blocks are allocated
Inode Bitmap – The information what inodes are allocated
Inode Table - The inode that Group use
Data Blocks - The data that Group use
- Super Block
From First Block + 0x400 : Super Block
The Size of Inode : 128 bytes
The Total Count of Inode : 640(0x280)
The Total Size of Inode : 640 * 128 = 81920 bytes
The Size of Block : 2 => 4096 bytes

- Group Descriptor
Second Block : Group Descciptor
Blocks Bitmap Offset : 2 Block
Inodes Bitmap Offset : 3 Block
Inodes Table Offset : 4 Block

- Identify Blocks / Inodes Bitmap and Table offset
Blocks Bitmap Offset : 2 Block * 0x1000 = 0x2000
Inodes Bitmap Offset : 3 Block * 0x1000 = 0x3000
Inodes Table Offset : 4 Block * 0x1000 = 0x4000
Data is placed after end of inode.
Total inodes occupy blocks in accordance with the total count of inode.
The size of a inode is 256 bytes.
The Total Size of Inode : 640 * 128 = 163840 bytes(Super Block has this information)
163840 / 4096(block size) = 40
and then
After first inode table offset + 40 block = Beginning Data offset
- Inode
The six of inode is reserved from 0 inode to 5 inode.
0 - Bad Blocks Inode
1 - Root Inode
2 - ACL Inode
3 - ACL Inode
4 - Boot Loader Inode
5 - Undelete Directory Inode
The size of inodes reserved is 0x600(1536 = 256 * 6)
Inode has many attributes. There is the offset of Directory Entry.
Directory Entry has location information about data.
Root Inode has Direcotry Entries of Data(forensics.jpg).
Root Inode is second inode. so I moved from 0x4000 offset to 0x4100 offset.
(the size of inode is 0x100(256).
I checked Directory Entry offset at 0x4128. this value is 0x2C.
Directory Entry location of Root inode is at 0x2C000.
Blocks Bitmap Offset : 2 Block * 0x1000 = 0x2000
Inodes Bitmap Offset : 3 Block * 0x1000 = 0x3000
Inodes Table Offset : 4 Block * 0x1000 = 0x4000
Data is placed after end of inode.
Total inodes occupy blocks in accordance with the total count of inode.
The size of a inode is 256 bytes.
The Total Size of Inode : 640 * 128 = 163840 bytes(Super Block has this information)
163840 / 4096(block size) = 40
and then
After first inode table offset + 40 block = Beginning Data offset

- Inode
The six of inode is reserved from 0 inode to 5 inode.
0 - Bad Blocks Inode
1 - Root Inode
2 - ACL Inode
3 - ACL Inode
4 - Boot Loader Inode
5 - Undelete Directory Inode
The size of inodes reserved is 0x600(1536 = 256 * 6)
Inode has many attributes. There is the offset of Directory Entry.
Directory Entry has location information about data.
Root Inode has Direcotry Entries of Data(forensics.jpg).
Root Inode is second inode. so I moved from 0x4000 offset to 0x4100 offset.
(the size of inode is 0x100(256).
I checked Directory Entry offset at 0x4128. this value is 0x2C.
Directory Entry location of Root inode is at 0x2C000.
- Directory Entry
The structure of each entry is as follow.
Forensics.jpg's structure is as follow.
its inode number is 0x0C.
The formula of forensics.jpg's Inode
How : (First Inode Offset + file's Inode Number * Inode Entry Size) – Inode Entry Size
Real Data : (0x4000 + 0xC * 0x100) – 0x100 = 0x4B00
=> The number of First Inode count is 0. So 0x100 must be subtracted.
- The inode of forensics.jpg
forensics.jpg is placed from 32 block to 36 block.

I identified JPEG signature at Offset 0x32000.
- Idendify a JPEG(forensics.jpg)
For identification of forensics.jpg, I used dd tool.
if => input
of => output
bs => block size (=block is cluster in unix)
skip => skip as much as block size.
bash-3.2# dd if=EXT2.dd of=forensics.jpg bs=4096 count=5 skip=204800
5+0 records in
5+0 records out
20480 bytes transferred in 0.000217 secs (94394886 bytes/sec)
File : forensics.jpg
URL : http://pchs.peachschools.org/sites/pchs.peachschools.org/files/computer-forensics.jpeg
block bitmap,
File System,
Group descriptor,
inode bitmap,
inode table,
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Tips - Disk Signature
Examiner makes sets of Images for analyzing.
- Change Disk Signature of 2 disk
How abut MBRWIz.exe? The Result is perfect!!!!!!!
Now we can mount All of disks. ;-)
Because a case is analyzed by examiners.
This time, we use single capture function to distribute images.
and then..
A person has images in 1 disk.
B person has images in 2 disk.
But those disks have same disk signature.
So if 1 disk is attached, 2 disk is not attached.
Let's see the condition through diskmgmt.msc.
2 disk is OFFLINE.
- MBRWiz.exe
This time examiner can use a tool like MBRWiz.exe. CLI is free.
- Identify Disks
Command : MBRWiz.exe /list
- Change Disk Signature of 2 disk
Command : MBRWiz.exe /disk=2 /signature=generate
- Disk Signature in Boot Sector
You can see the disk signature changed (offset 440 / DWORD)
- Disk State
We can see the 1,2 disk mounted.
How abut MBRWIz.exe? The Result is perfect!!!!!!!
Now we can mount All of disks. ;-)
Friday, February 8, 2013
Tools - Time Maker
This tool decodes and encodes digital times.
Download : http://dorumugs-tools.googlecode.com/files/time_maker.py
Link : http://forensicinsight.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/INSIGHT-Digital-Times.pdf
# python time_maker.py --help
Encoding Sample
Decoding Sample
Download : http://dorumugs-tools.googlecode.com/files/time_maker.py
Link : http://forensicinsight.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/INSIGHT-Digital-Times.pdf
# python time_maker.py --help
Usage: python time_maker.py -e YYYY-MM-DD,##:##:##,GMT
python time_maker.py -e 1980-10-10,10:10:10,9
python time_maker.py -d list
python time_maker.py -d Time_Format -i Input_time
python time_maker.py -d w64 -i 129943698100000000
-- Time Format List --
w64 - Windows 64bit Big Time (EX:129943698100000000)
w64_big_h - (Hex) Windows 64bit Big Time (EX:01cda71ade0d1500)
w64_lit_h - (Hex) Windows 64bit Little Time (EX:00150dde1aa7cd01)
wfiletime - (Hex) Windows FILETIME Time (EX:de0d1500:01cda71a)
wcookie - Windows Cookie Date Time (EX:3725399296,30254874)
unum - Unix Numeric Time (EX:1349896210)
umilli - Unix Millisecond Time (EX:1349896210000)
umicro - Unix Microsecond Time (EX:1349896210000)
unum_big_h - (Hex) Unix Numeric Little Time (EX:5075c812)
unum_lit_h - (Hex) Unix Numeric Big Time (EX:12c87550)
chrome - Google Chrome Time (EX:12994369810317375)
mac_ab - Mac Absolute Time (EX:371589010)
mac_ab_h - (Hex) Mac Absolute Time (EX:1625ff92)
ms32_big_h - (Hex) MS-DOS 32bit Big Time (EX:414a994a)
ms32_lit_h - (Hex) MS-DOS 32bit Little Time (EX:4a994a41)
hfs32_big_h - (hex) HFS 32bit Big Time (EX:cc9b7892)
hfs32_lit_h - (hex) HFS 32bit Little Time (EX:92789bcc)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-e ENCODER, --encoder=ENCODER
python time_maker.py -e YYYY-MM-DD,##:##:##,GMT
python time_maker.py -e 1980-10-10,10:10:10,9
-d DECODER, --decoder=DECODER
python time_maker.py -d list
-i INPUT, --Input_Time=INPUT
python time_maker.py -d Time_Format -i Input_Time
python time_maker.py -d w64 -i 129943698100000000
Encoding Sample
# python time_maker.py -e 1980-10-10,10:10:10,9
----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 o' clock is 3600 seconds 1 day is 86400 seconds 1 year is 8760 hours 1 year is 31536000 seconds 1 second is 1000000000 nano seconds 1 second is 1000000 micro seconds 1 second is 1000 milli seconds ----------------------------------------------------------------- User Input Time - 1980-10-10 10:10:10 User Input Time + GMT - 1980-10-10 19:10:10 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Windows 64bit Time - 119845266100000000 (Hex) Windows 64bit Big Time - 1a9c6a271e71500 (Hex) Windows 64bit Little Time - 0015e771a2c6a901 (Hex) Windows FILETIME Time - 71e71500:01a9c6a2 Windows Cookie Date Time - 1910969600,27903650 Unix Numeric Time - 340053010 Unix Millisecond Time - 340053010000 Unix Microsecond Time - 340053010000000 (Hex) Unix Numeric Big Time - 1444cc12 (Hex) Unix Numeric Little Time - 12cc4414 Google Chrome Time - 11984526610317375 Mac Absolute Time - -638254190 (Hex) Mac Absolute Time - x260afc6 (Hex) MS-DOS 32bit Big Time - 014a9945 (Hex) MS-DOS 32bit Little Time - 45994a01 (hex) HFS 32bit Big Time - 906a7c92 (hex) HFS 32bit Little Time - 927c6a90 |
# python time_maker.py -d w64 -i 129943698100000000
----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 o' clock is 3600 seconds 1 day is 86400 seconds 1 year is 8760 hours 1 year is 31536000 seconds 1 second is 1000000000 nano seconds 1 second is 1000000 micro seconds 1 second is 1000 milli seconds ----------------------------------------------------------------- User Input Time - 129943698100000000 User Input Time Format - w64 Decode Inputed Time - 2012-10-10 19:10:10 ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
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